Student Code of Conduct

Any student who engages in inappropriate, disruptive, or disrespectful conduct, on or off campus, in a manner that causes or is likely to cause a substantial disruption of a school
activity, school attendance, or the classroom environment may be asked to leave and be referred to another adult school program.
Prohibited student conduct includes, but is not limited to:
1. Behavior that endangers other students and/or staff.
2. Behavior that disrupts the orderly classroom or school environment.
3. Harassment of other students or staff.
4. Damage to or theft of property belonging to the district, staff or other students.
5. Possession, use or sale of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.
6. Misuse of electronic signaling devices (e.g. cell phones).
7. Profane, vulgar or abusive language.
8. Plagiarism or dishonesty in school work or on tests
9. Inappropriate dress.
Dress & Conduct Code
It is expected that all students shall dress appropriately and act responsibly. For purposes of safety and continuity of the instructional programs, the following guidelines shall be observed:
The following types of clothing are not permitted:
Clothing that bares excessive exposure: Exposed midriffs, spaghetti straps, sheer blouses, low-neckline clothing, mini-skirts, and short shorts (knee-level shorts and skirts are acceptable).
Muscle shirts and Oversized clothing.
Gang-related attire: belt buckles with letters, colored shoelaces, and any type of clothing with questionable and suggestive language and/or pictures on it.
Any type of cap or head cover: Hairnets, bandanas, etc.
NOTE: Tattoos that identify a gang affiliation must be covered.
Please refrain from the following activities:
Use of cell phones or other electronic devices in classrooms.
Food and/or beverages in classrooms.