On May 9th and 10, 2024, the CCAS Academic Department Teachers and Counselor Eunice Vines participated in two full days of professional development to become certified in new roles to support the National External Diploma Program (NEDP). CCAS will now be able to offer NEDP as a FREE pathway for adult students to earn a distance learning/remote, competency-based diploma. CCAS is one of 9 NEDP locations in California and one of 96 agencies within 9 states and the District of Columbia certified to provide the performance-based system. The NEDP enables clients to demonstrate abilities in a series of simulations as they complete a portfolio of life skill and academic tasks that parallel life and job situations in order to earn a Culver City Unified School District high school diploma. For more information about the NEDP please contact the CCAS office at 310-842-4300 and view the NEDP website at: https://www.casas.org/nedp.
Culver City Adult School Now Offers the National External Diploma Program
May 13, 2024